Tribulus Terrestris and Women

Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant that has long been a part of herbal medicine due to its reputation as a wellness booster. Tribulus terrestris is a powerful herbal supplement that provides numerous benefits for both genders, including energy enhancement, mood support, and sexual health. In my articles, I have paid attention not once but […]

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Another new, promising supplement – TUDCA?

Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, more commonly referred to as TUDCA, is a bile acid that is found natrually occurring in the body. When regular bile acids reach the intestines, they can be metabolized by bacteria into UDCA and then later bound to a taurine molecule to become TUDCA. TUDCA is a water-soluble bile acid, which is in […]

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DMHA, Octodrine or the Newest Stimulant

Science develops extremely fast trying to find newer and newer substances to support humanity in one way or another. Very often studies done with medical purposes are used for the development of different sports products. As we know, in the contemporary sport, stimulants are treated with enormous respect and there is a wild rush for […]

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